Growing Pains follows River, a middle schooler who's struggling to keep up academically with their peers. River believes their self-worth is tied to their grades and how well they preform on assignments. Each student's mental state is reflected by whether their plant is thriving or wilting.
Through the short film, River is able to learn from his teacher that trying their best and doing the best of their ability is enough, and not to compare their success to their classmates.
Opening Shot Progress
From layout, to rough animation, to the final render seen in the short film, this is the first shot seen. The shot introduces the three supporting characters in the film and the setting of the first and last scenes.
Growing Pains 01_01
Oak Writing Shots
Oak is one of the supporting characters seen in the short film. She is one of the highest achieving students, and her rapid progress in completing work is used to contrast River's lack thereof, and shows River's fear of failure.
Oak Writing
River's Nightmare
River's fears are given form as a monstrous tree trimming machine, during a panic attack he has during class. During this sequence River is chased through a forest with the machine getting dangerously close.
This shot progression shows one of the moments where River is almost caught by the machine.
River Trips
The Clearing
In the final two acts of the short film, River begins to understand that doing the best of their ability, working at their own pace, and taking care of their mental health is what matters most.
With the help of their teacher, who is shown as a child their age, they are able to break out of their rut and begin to complete their assignment.